Be THAT Leader
Mike Domagalski - April 2022
Spring has sprung! As some districts are moving into Spring Break, or just finishing, it’s time to start the focus on the end of the school year. Sure, we will most likely see state testing, localize testing, celebrations, field days, end of the year field trips, graduations, etc… but we should also be thinking differently as to how to best serve our schools and communities. Think outside the box and BE THAT LEADER that those around you need you to be.
Pushing the positive and being creative with your team is a must. It doesn't matter if you are leading an elementary school, leading a middle school or have central office duties. What does matter is what you have learned from this past year and how to best lead your entity. We must push the positive and end the year as best as possible. It starts and ends with you BEING THAT LEADER!
As I reflect towards the 2nd half of my MEMSPA Presidency this school year, I can’t help to think about what we have done as an association, and what the association has done for me. True leadership isn’t about just filling a role and being a manager of your building. True leadership is about guiding and encouraging others to be their best selves. I encourage all MEMSPA members, as true leaders, to be the best they can be for their buildings, be the best they can be for themselves, but also push further by having an additional impact outside the walls of the office or building. You have the ability to BE THAT LEADER!
By leading in and out of your building, you have the ability to make an even bigger impact. I encourage all MEMSPA members to participate in MEMSPA’s Lobby Day in Lansing on May 17, advocating for education. If not us then who? We need your voice as a leader! As our MEMSPA State and Federal Relations Coordinator Dr. David Simpson states, “We have lots of built-in support–you are provided talking points, the appointments with your legislators are arranged for you, and you can even request to go on your first appointment with a partner.” This is a great opportunity for you as a leader to make a bigger impact! I’ll hopefully see you there so you can BE THAT LEADER!
In addition, I would also like everyone to consider attending the MEMSPA Summer Leadership Institute at the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island this summer, July 26 and July 27. This conference will not disappoint as you are sure to have a wonderful experience outside the walls of your building in collaboration with fellow MEMSPA members. There are a ton of outstanding sessions that include academics, leadership, SEL, and much more! Bring yourself, bring your family, bring your energy, bring your passion for education and leadership! Get outside your school or district and BE THAT LEADER!
As we start to close out the school year, I just want to say, “Good Luck and You Got This!” We must continue to keep a positive focus for ourselves and each other. I encourage everyone to be the best they can be, make others the best they can be, and BE THAT LEADER that everyone around you needs you to be!
Mike Domagalski
St. Clair Middle School, Principal
MEMSPA President (2021-22)