Our Services
Dream it.
Driven to build the best version of yourself as a leader? We offer individual leadership coaching to help you achieve dreams, goals, and hopes. We work to understand your needs and provide coaching and support while developing your capacity as a leader.
Build it.
Building a leadership team? Looking to take your team from good to great? We offer highly individualized solutions to help your team identify and meet your goals. Design Education Group will help launch the power of your collaborative team!
Grow it.
Looking to grow connection among your group? Our team can help you achieve your vision through professional learning. We facilitate learning in groups ranging from a few individuals to large districts and organizations.
Opportunities Abound..
Leadership Development
Principal & Teacher Mentoring
Instructional Leadership
School Planning & Progress
School Leadership Development
Program Implementation & Reinforcement
Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS)
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support
Grouping Structures to Build Learning
Project Based Learning
Social Emotional Learning
Building Culture
Classroom Routines & Procedures
Fostering Innovation
Creating a Positive Classroom Culture
Engaging Classroom Discussions
Coaching Services
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In-Person or Virtual Consulting
1 hour - 1/2 day - Full Day
3 Day - 5 Day - 10 Day